the oneinchpunch

Everyone of them comes from different styles, studies, and their playing often shows it. They think that every music and every experience can produce something to learn. So, they choose the tag Rock, because it’s the best word to describe them and their music. The guitarist- singer Helias Marson and the bassist Stefano Silvestri worked together for many years, they played expecially blues, rock, psychedelic rock, funky; they came from a Deep Purple tribute band and their school is 70’s rock and hard rock, but their experiences includes metal, ska, flamenco, jazz, blues, rock, hard rock, pop, reggae, classical and progressive.
They played in many bands in Rome for about ten years.

In 2009 they created “The OneInchPunch” , with the drummer Davide Valleri. The name wants to explain how they look for the key of music in the union between spirit and body. The Bruce Lee’s one inch punch is a martial art technique, it’s the way to obtain the maximum strongess from the minimal effort. But many years of training and meditation are necessary to learn it.. We have to grow in spirit to increase our energy and use it correctly.

In 2010 Davide Valleri leaves the band, and the new drummer is Francesco Benedetti, he came from rock, pop and expecially metal experiences. His playing gives a different groove to The OneInchPunch. They become more aggressive in sound impact.

In November 2010, the band signs for Revalve Records and begins to work at the first album with the producer Roberto Cufaro.
The release of their first album “1 on one” is planned for November 2011.

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Theoneinchpunch Rock
Rome, Italia
09.12.2011 (4842 giorni fa)
Numero Di Componenti Nella Band3
Anno Di Fondazione2009
Fondatore Della Bandhelias marson
Cittàmonte compatri
1 voti
Componenti della Band
Helias Marson , guitarrist and singer !!!
Posizione: guitar/voice
Stefano Silvestri Bassist!!!
Posizione: Bass guitar
Francesco Benedetti Drummer
Posizione: Drummer
Foto Concerti
the oneinchpunch