Visioni Gotiche

The group VISIONI GOTICHE gets set up in 2007 by Mattia M and Roby Tav, who have the idea to give birth to this project, putting their musical experience and their style into it, although they both still work on their solo projects. Their music, which isn't easily categorized. Takes counterpoints in the following genres: dark, dark ambient, electric music, horror music and gothic metal. The first album (self produced) is already realized in the first months of 2007, even though the music was produced in November 2006, when the group wasn't existing yet. The disc - entitled VAMPIRES – is a concept album which turns all around vampires. This mysterious creature is seen in its storical background and the imagination surrounding it, created by films and books. Still in 2007 – thanks to the fore work of Mattia M – they can lend their music to the independent horror film production and so they focus on the realization of soundtracks for short movies. The first short movie they produce music for is the film "Vita e Morte" ("Life & Death"), which was produced by the members of the web page "Horrorlandia" for the register Fabrizio Giansante (aka Contebiz). Furthermore they get contacted by Lobarts Productions (by Alberto Genovese) and they produce the soundtrack for the short film "Pink Moon", a very particular horror movie, which reclaims many themes of horror movies being produced in the 1950's. Apart all these, Mattia M writes the script for a short movie entitled "SPIRITISM". They get contacted by the director Luigi De Conti, who likes the story and decides to produce it. It is released in summer 2008. The group VISIONI GOTICHE also writes the music for the movie and so they finish their second album entitled SPIRITISM. As the year is on going, they are contacted by the director Davide Melini for writing the music for the short movie "The Puzzle". This short film is released in Spanish, later in Italian, English and French language. In fall 2008 the group releases two albums: One is entitled "TERRIFYING IMAGES", which contains a collection of various soundtracks and songs. The second album is the third official one, which gets entitled "IL SEGRETO DEL DEMONE PARTE 1" ("The secret of the demon, part 1") which background story is written by Mattia M again. This album fully represents their genre: It's a mixture of gothic rock/metal with some parts of dark/horror music and isn't connected to the other movies anylonger. Furthermore the musician Michi Guer contributes to this album, by singing and composing two of the songs: "Ipnosi" ("Hypnose") and "Rituale Nero" ("Black ritual"). From now on, he will work more often together with the group. In 2009 the Label Note Volanti Edizioni Musicali offers to Visioni Gotiche to relaese a double album with her, including both the first part of "Il segreto del demone" that the second part of "Il segreto del demone" just recorded by the band. New album, titled "Il segreto del demone ( the secret of the demon)" out in October 2009. Visioni Gotiche are working on new album "Cancellata dal tempo" with a new female singer named Tiziana Radis.

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Medium (La seduta spiritica)
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Visioni Gotiche
Milan, Italia
11.11.2011 (4870 giorni fa)
Numero Di Componenti Nella Band4
Anno Di Fondazione2007
Fondatore Della BandMattia M & Roby Tav
CittàMilano, Ancona, Roma
1 voti
Martina Franca, Italia
Galactic Xsheep
Perugia, Italia
Foto Concerti
Visioni Gotiche