
This Deathcore/Metalcore was created by Santiago Sapera (Drum) and Antonio Padilla (Vocals) in November 2010. They choose Ayrton Giudice (Rythm Guitar), Luca Bolelli (Lead Guitar) and Harlando Caimol (Bass) to complete the band.
Harlando left Reissod for about 2 months, then he returned. During the 2 months without a bassist, the band started to work to their first song.
In 14/01/2012, the band recorded "Take Your Last Breath". The single was released in 20/01/12.
Harlando left Reissod another time, so the band decided to choose another bassist.
In June 2012, the band choose Diego Perlangeli (Bass) to replace Harlando.
Now they are working to new songs to insert in their first EP.

Youtube Video
Reissod - Paddy Screaming for the single

Album Della Band
Ep e ancora in fase di produzione. Molto presto uscira il nostro secondo singolo che sara tratto dall'ep.
4620 giorni fa · Da antonio padilla
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Numero Di Componenti Nella Band5
Anno Di Fondazione2010
Fondatore Della BandPaddy e Santy
RegioneEmilia Romagna
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Dana Martinotti
Arezzo, Italia
antonio padilla
bologna, Italia
Foto Concerti